Sometimes you
need the flexibility to edit the work yourself but don't have the design
experience to make it the professional looking piece you want.
That's when
clients call GDS. We can design the piece, whether it be a flyer, brochure,
or whatever, in MS Word or Publisher. Then turn the digital file over to
you for quick and easy edits and to print out on your own.
MS Word is not know as a "design" program but we have the experience and
know-how to push the design envelope with the program.
Here are some samples of what we can do.

Leon's BBQ Sauce - Flyer 1
Client Editable File in MS Word
Engelhart Gourmet Foods (EGF) Leon's BBQ Sauce Inc., Fairfield, CA
Job: 4773EGF.LeonFlyr1
Colors: 4/0
Full color on client paper stock
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Client wanted a flyer for a summer promotion. They wanted to be able to
edit themselves in MS Word to change the promotion dates and pricing