need to to get your business online, or your existing website's
look updated, has never been more important. Potential customers
are searching companies websites to obtain critical
information 24/7.
Viewers can see details about your
product line or services and then email or call. All website information
is easily updatable without the expense of reprinting a brochure. Go with Solano
County's premier Design Studio for professional results.
for your on-line presence.
1. |
Sample sheet of some websites
we have done |
2. |
Pricing |
3. |
General web info that
will be very helpful for decisions you will have to make |
• Click
for GDS Web Guide
Domain Registration Info |
Did You Know?
word for junk mail, Spam, comes from the Hormel canned meat product by
the same name. SPAM has jokingly been referred to as junk meat but in part
due to the disparaging usage for junk mail it has been experiencing a resurgance
in popularity. The Hawaiians actually incorporate it into a favorite sushi
recipe and who can forget the "spam, spam, spam" song
from Monty Python?!
In 1937 the first can of SPAM rolled off the assembly line. Originally
called HORMEL Spiced Ham, the company held a contest to create a name. Kenneth
Daigneau won the naming contest by coming up with SPAM.
In 1941 Hormel Foods shifted to wartime production to feed the troops and
therefore spreading the popularity of SPAM.
Made in my home state of Minnesota (yes, I admit it!),
in the city of Austin. it is now manufactured in Denmark, South Korea
and the Phillipines. Visit the website, it is appropriately tounge-in-cheek:
www.spam.com 031307
Client Websites
• www.aboutfacevacaville.com
created a new website for a Spa that provides more advanced services
- Face, Skin & Body Therapies. Client wanted bright colors and a
more active viewer response. Clean, simple and on-budget = client happy. Social
media links added to drive traffic. 110213 
• www.back2lifecomputers.com
2 Life Computers provides affordable repair and maintenance services
for all Apple (Mac) laptops. 111510
• www.bigassbeer.net
colorful site for a microbrewer. Fun project, fun client to work with.
Yes we did get to sample the product. 082208 
• www.bigjimsprankle.com
A simple but colorful 2 pager for Sacramento River Delta Bluesman Big Jim Sprankle. 062606
• www.childstartinc.org
extensive website created with close collaboration with the client. Social
media links added to drive traffic. We designed the website in Adobe
Dreamweaver, which the client also had, that provided them access
and editing control of the website.
• www.engelhartgourmet.com
website for regional sausage manufacturer with a animation
intro. Award
Winning! 031506 
• www.favelasmexicangrill.com
website with a latin flavor. Can't you just smell the tasty burritos?! 081905
• www.gomerschool.com
A website we donate our time for that celebrates a 1 room school house in Suisun
Valley that was founded in 1900.
• www.mitchellwoodworks.net
Small site for a high-end furnture builder in Scotts Valley. Gallery pages show
off their incredible craftsmenship. 060809
Client Subwebsites
• www.garsondesign.com/36oaks
A day spa that needed their website freshened up. Lacking a logo we gave them
one at a discount rate – now the look is more professional. 081409
• www.garsondesign.com/aanko
Click for a larger (static) view. See actual website with animation. 042605

Click for larger
• www.garsondesign.com/amwood
works American Woodworks is a manufacturer of pre-finished custom cabinetry
for the residential home building market. 081303
• www.garsondesign.com/bellarenew
See new version aboutfacevacaille.com 020114
• www.garsondesign.com/coregym
website for a local gym. 030104
• www.garsondesign.com/cwcsc
Weight Coaltion of Solano County. Click to
see a larger view of the clients thank you letter. 040804
• www.garsondesign.com/drmkessler
for a chiroprector that handles difficult cases. 122206
• www.garsondesign.com/fairfield
larger website that we donate most of time to support the downtown business
community. 091801
• www.garsondesign.com/feathermy
A preliminary website for an interior designer's boutique shop. We won a national
design award for
the logo. 092507
• www.garsondesign.com/gagnon
Simple website set up for client editing via Macromedia Contribute. 042605
• www.garsondesign.com/gawvanmale
Extensive site for a law firm w/ a HQ in Napa and offices in Fairfield, Vacaville
and Redlands. With animation. 032806 Wins
Award!Press Release 032807
• www.garsondesign.com/joesbuffet
Downtown Fairfield's famous eatery since 1949.
• www.garsondesign.com/kristinas
A very simple templated site for a client on a tight
• www.garsondesign.com/lessler
Website for a sales consultant.
• www.garsondesign.com/powersteam
1991 - years of experience in the carpet care industry. No job is too large or
small for us to handle. In fact we do everything from full janitorial and restoration
to basic cleaning.
reactivated 050705
• www.garsondesign.com/pvestates
Large site for an officers retirement community. 061504

Click for larger
• www.garsondesign.com/rangebrothers
An organic meat products line. We won a national design award for
the logo. 050106r020114
• www.garsondesign.com/santacruzpizzacompany
a gourmet pizza place in Santa Cruz with a fresh light theme. We won a national
design award for
the logo. 101408r030615
• www.garsondesign.com/seymoor
provided the initial template design and the client inserted content. A cost
savings if you have Adobe Dreamweaver experience but need professional design
service from GDS. 120706
• www.garsondesign.com/sharedspoon
Shared Spoon offers a commercial kitchen to rent by the hour on an as needed
basis. 122110r020114
• www.garsondesign.com/susanhschoolboard
We created a campaign brochure for Susan Heumphreus and then donated this simple
• www.garsondesign.com/taguaart
Our "MarineWorld" tropical earthy look for a unique product. 092506
• www.garsondesign.com/theblindbutler
For a window covering company.
• www.garsondesign.com/turningoveranewbelief
Website for a licensed psychotherapist.
• www.garsondesign.com/woodenvalley
For a winery in Suisun Valley.
• www.garsondesign.com/wordstowear
Faith-based, specialty retailer of high-quality women’s sportswear.
Features words of inspiration to motivate, celebrate, and encourage life.
• www.paccalrealty.com
starter website for a real estate company. 071805
• www.philipsonsite.com
Our very first website design! - Simple as to be expected in the stone age of
websites. The client hasn't changed much in over 13 years. 041100
• www.solanobar.org
we picked up with some minor redesign for the Solano County Bar Association. We
designed the logo. 101907
• www.tobaccofreesolano.org
recreated the previous website and ended up donating over $6.5k of services
for this important county wide cause. We designed the website in Adobe Dreamweaver
and provided client access and editing control via Adobe Contribute. 052510
• www.wickensconstructionandmhs.com
website we built for
an experienced contractor that needed more extensive promo of their services.
We also designed, printed direct mail postcards. Contains flash photos on the
home page and gallery photos on other pages.
• www.garsondesign.com/holiday
The place to go for your holiday questions. Also you can see the famous annual
GDS Xmas cards. This site receives over a quarter million hits each Decemeber.
• www.garsondesign.com/NewYear2001
A fun 60's psychedelic website for a new years party
• www.garsondesign/stephieswebsite
Yes our Stephie has her own website...my how she has grown
• www.garsondesign.com/tourism
Tourism info for the Solano County area...sample only...dated info
for now.
Registration Services
here for searching and/or registering a domain name
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